Publication: Scream Magazine
Location: Norway
Author: Leif Kringen
Web Site:

CD-REVIEWS IN SCREAM MAGAZINE #47 (June/July 1999) Please note that all reviews are in short form and rated on a scale from 1 to 6.
1 = Crap, 2 = Poor, 3 = OK, 4 = Good, 5 = Very Good, 6 = Essential.

LOST ANGEL "Destination"
Self-financed 3 pts. (Reviewed in Scream #47 by; Leif Kringen)
This American band sounds like they're stuck in the eighties. Nothing wrong with that, cause this is pretty close to bands like Icon and Bonfire or probably a softer version of Leatherwolf. The vocals of Greg King sounds pleasant, but unfortunately the band doesn't manage to deliver high-quality songs all the way through. One of the heaviest tracks, "Nights Off", are among the best songs here.